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Walking Aids for Indoors

Walking Aids for Indoors
April 08, 2020

If you struggle with your mobility and need help getting around the house then check out our Walking Aids for Indoors Guide.

Moving from A to B can be difficult if you suffer from mobility issues. Fortunately, walking aids are a great, cost-effective way to move around the home and get back the freedom you deserve.

Some walking aids are perfect for indoor use, whether you’re looking for something lightweight and storable or something you can push along with ease. We’ve put together our list of the top walking aids for indoors, covering what their benefits are, and why you should consider them. 


Our Best Walking Aids for Indoor Use

1. Walking Frames

Walking frames are one of the more well-known mobility aids. Sometimes known as a Zimmer frame, they’re made from lightweight aluminium that's both sturdy and easy to lift. 

Because they don't rely on wheels for movement, these models are particularly convenient for use in and around your home. 

Whether you need assistance getting in and out of your chair or just something to hold onto when moving around your home, walking frames can provide you with peace of mind from that extra stability.

Each walking frame features rubber ferrules for grip on any surface you may have in your home. They also come fitted with comfortable grip handles to help you lift and move the frame safely when on the move.

More than a practical helping hand, walking aids give you the confidence to move independently and often without assistance, an important step towards a healthy body and mind.

Their lightweight folding frames are easy to store and transport. They’re also height adjustable so you can find your optimum position of comfort with ease. You’ll need to ensure you measure your door frames first just to make sure that the frame can fit through.

Made to suit almost anyone who needs one, our range also includes bariatric and heavy-duty walking frames for the larger user.


2.  Folding Walking Frames with Wheels

Walking frames with wheels offer you the stability of a walking frame with the moveability of a rollator. They come fitted with two wheels on the front so they can be pushed along, with rubber ferrules on the back for additional grip and stability. So if you struggle to lift conventional walking frames, a model with wheels is the logical next step.

Are you looking for exercises to do from your home? If so, then take a look at our blog exploring how you can stay healthy at home

man standing inside white painted room


3. Rollators

If you need something equally suited to outdoor environments, a rollator is a great alternative or additional purchase.

Rollators have wheels so they can be pushed along with ease and often have brakes so you're always in control. The handles and brakes are adjustable and easy to apply if you do decide to stop for any reason.

One key difference between rollators and many walking frames is the addition of a seat. So if you're in the kitchen or garden and decide you need to rest, you can. Basket storage is also available if you're using your rollator out of the house and need somewhere to keep your belongings. Their lightweight folding frames make it easy to push along with minimal effort and fold away for easy storage and transportation. 

Again, with rollators, it’s important to ensure you measure the width of your door frames and any obstructions to ensure they fit through. The last thing you want it to make your purchase and find your doorway is just a little too narrow.


4. Knee Walkers

Knee walkers, also referred to as knee scooters provide you with a sturdy pad that supports your knee when on the move. They’re suitable for both left and right-sided use and helps you to avoid putting pressure on your hands or your upper body when in use. 

If you struggle getting around on crutches or need to relieve pressure on your low leg/foot then knee walkers are an ideal solution. If you struggle with upper body strength or weight-bearing on your arms you can use knee walkers for that extra level of comfort.

If you struggle to reach items above eye level, your knee walker offers you a supportive platform to do so. When in a locked position you can move freely while preserving your injury and maintaining the healing process. 

All our knee walkers come fitted with wheels which allows you to move more quickly than crutches and for longer distances. The fitted brakes allow you to take rests when needed and are positioned with easy access. 

Elite Care Knee walker with adjustable handle and brakes -  Collapsed Handle



How can we help you?

Can’t find what you’re looking for? If you’re struggling to find your ideal mobility aid, get in touch and we'll be able to help. You can ask us anything using our live chat below or call 0800 567 7618 to speak to a member of our customer care team over the phone. 

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