8 Stress Reducing Tips You Can Do In 5 Minutes
Whether the housework is mounting up or you’re working long hours, spare 5 minutes out of your day to try these 8 proven stress reduction tips.
The stresses and strains of our busy lives can wreak havoc on our health and overall wellbeing.
That unpleasant feeling can lead to raised blood pressure, muscle tension, and can even weaken your immune system.
Whether the housework is mounting up or you’re working long hours to meet deadlines, spare 5 minutes out of your day to try these 8 proven stress reduction tips.
Find a reason to smile
They say laughter is the best medicine. Even the simple action of smiling leads to the release of endorphins in your brain to lift your spirits and create a positive state of mind.
Take a few minutes to watch a funny video on YouTube or simply recall a time where you couldn’t help but laugh. The results will surprise you.
Write a to-do list
Keeping track of the things we have to do often plays a big part in feelings of stress. Spare 5 minutes to take a step back and write a to-do list.
This simple action is incredibly therapeutic and allows you to physically see the things that are causing your stress.
Try to focus on the things that are physically doable, like “call the dentist”, not “do something about my toothache”, and enjoy a feeling of relief.
Spend some time outside
Have you ever wondered why we choose to hang pictures of outdoor scenes and landscape views in our homes?
For centuries scenes of nature have been a source of pleasant feelings and emotional contentment in our lives.
Try it now, go outside for a wander and let nature help you to return a sense of calm and balance.
Relax in silence
In a world of noise and distractions, spare a few minutes to enjoy the stillness of a silent room.
A 2006 study published in the journal Heart noted positive changes in blood pressure and blood circulation in the brain when comparing just two minutes of silence to listening to certain types of music.
Treat yourself to a comfortable riser recliner chair to make the experience even more enjoyable. Raising your feet will also help to relieve the pressure in your feet and ankles.
Eat some dark chocolate
If you’ve got 5 minutes spare, pop down to the local shops and get yourself some dark chocolate.
The medicinal properties of the humble cocoa bean can help to reduce the effects of the stress homes adrenaline and cortisol. Not to mention the fact it’s delicious.
Relax with a crossword
Completing a simple crossword puzzle is an unlikely way to help reduce feelings of stress.
They help to engage the mind in a meaningful way and turn our focus away from everyday worries. Think of it like a holiday for the brain.
The resulting sense of accomplishment provides a welcome confidence boost and works wonders for relieving stress.
Take deep breaths
Sit comfortably with your back straight and take 10 deep breaths in through your nose, and out through your mouth.
Deep breathing exercises are the cornerstone of many relaxation practices including meditation, which helps to flood your body with oxygen and reset its natural rhythm.
Practice this every morning and evening for a greater sense of calm and clarity in your life.
Grab yourself a glass of orange juice
When buying your dark chocolate and newspaper, don’t forget to pick up a carton of orange juice.
A known stress buster, vitamin C can also be found in red and green peppers, strawberries, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and tomatoes.
More controversially, vitamin C is also linked to preventing the common cold and fighting cancer.
Armed with these simple stress-reducing tips you’ll be prepared to deal with any stressful situations life throws at you.
Have any stress-relieving suggestions of your own? Feel free to share them in the comments below!