Wheelchair Powerpacks
Find Out More About Wheelchair PowerpacksThis is our range of wheelchair powerpacks. Wheelchair powerpacks are a battery powered motor with 2 wheels which attaches to the underside of most wheelchairs to help the attendant push.
All of our wheelchair powerpacks are controlled by a control unit and lever which attaches to the push handle of the wheelchair. The person pushing then just needs to pull the lever and the powered wheels will turn. In most cases the power in the powerpack is enough to move the wheelchair and user so that the attendant just has to guide the wheelchair rather than push.
Our wheelchair powerpacks come with brackets which are fastened on the horizontal tubing along the lower side of the wheelchair. These brackets can stay on the even when the powerpack is not attached as they normally allow to the wheelchair to fold up as normal.
The powerpack is then secured using the brackets which have a spring loaded quick release mechanism. A connecting cable goes from the powerpack up to the hand control unit to allow the wheelchair powerpack to be controlled.
The battery on the powerpacks can easily be removed to take indoors to charge with the included charger.