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Direct v Online - Fenetic Wellbeing Blog.

Tom has a sister, she is small and enjoys talking. She is much like Tom's mum who is also small and enjoys the art of advice giving. On the other hand Tom's dad sometimes struggles to get a word in. When he is allowed to speak he takes his time, he savours the moment, his delivery is slow...often painfully so.

Double Negatives. - Fenetic Wellbeing Blog

The video is a handy 22 minutes long... and as with the article last week, we don’t insist you watch it all. The clip describes the way the terms ‘disability’ ‘healthcare’ and ‘mobility’ have been given negative connotations. Her point is that the use of language has not caught up with society and its changing views, as well as the ever-changing technologies that impact on, give freedom to and empower people with disabilities.